Father's Day
Come and join us for some fun activities with your children to celebrate Father's Day this Friday 14th June 2024 at 2.15pm. If Dad is not available, other family members are welcome too.
Come and join us for some fun activities with your children to celebrate Father's Day this Friday 14th June 2024 at 2.15pm. If Dad is not available, other family members are welcome too.
Please click here to read the consultation letter regarding the proposal to open an ASC Unit at Southwood School with the eventual capacity of 24 pupils and an ASC Unit at Germander Park School with the eventual capacity of 16 pupils.
Please respond to the consultation, either by emailing sufficiencyandaccess@milton-keynes.gov.uk or by completing the online response form: online response form.
On Tuesday 19th December, our Year 1 and Year 2 performances will be at 9.15am and 3.45pm. The children would like to invite their parents and carers to come and watch their performance at one of these times. Please arrive promptly . . . . . . .
On Monday 18th December, children in Reception and Nursery would like to invite their parents and carers to join in with their Christmas songs. Please be seated by 9.00am . . . . . .
Come along to our Christmas Fayre on Wednesday 6th December at 3.20pm in the school hall. We will have stalls, a raffle, gift ideas, hook-a-duck and refreshments on sale.
We are pleased to announce the total Downs Barn School raised for Children in Need last Friday was £93.30 and the whole Federation total raised was £471.82 - Well Done Everyone !!!
Open Morning for parents with children due to start school in September 2024 . . . . Monday 6th November 8.45 - 9.30am
We are proud to be supporting The Poppy Appeal again this year and have Poppies for sale.
MK CAN - WORLD RECORD ATTEMPT - Please bring a can of food into school this week to help us join the world record attempt (We need to collect 350 cans)
Come and join us to celebrate Father's Day on Friday 16th June 2023 at 2pm. If Dad is not available, other family members are welcome too.
This term, we have a temporary swimming pool installed at Southwood School for three weeks! Our children from all 3 schools (KS1 and KS2) will have the opportunity to have swimming sessions during this time.
We are inviting children to come to school dressed as their favourite book character on Thursday 2nd March 2023.