Extra-Curricular Clubs
This term (Spring 2025) we are running the following clubs:
Monday - Year 4/5/6 - Young Voices Choir (until 27th January 2025)
Tuesday - Year 5/6 - Badminton
Tuesday - Year 3/4 - Reading for Pleasure (12pm - 12.30pm)
Wednesday - Year 3/4 - Multi Sports
Thursday - Year 4/5/6 - Dance
Thursday - Year 5/6 - Reading fore Pleasure (12.30pm - 1pm)
Friday - Year 4/5/6 - Action Sports
All clubs will start week commencing 13th January 2025 and will end week commencing 24th March 2025.
Clubs end at 4.15pm (except Reading Clubs which take place during lunch break) and children should be picked up from the school hall (by Reception) promptly. Children who are not collected on time will be put into Acers After School Club and a charge may apply.